Gaia 3D + Smart Whiteboards = Great Educational Results!
Shelfield Academy, an outstanding performing academy, is demonstrating how the combined use of 2 powerful teaching solutions can lead to great educational results!
Shelfield Community Academy specializes in English and literacy, sport and physical education. The academy is the first school in the UK to work with Gaia Technologies to embrace and develop the use of 3D technologies in the classroom. This has led to the creation of a 21st century learning environment that nurtures students’ participation, retention and attainment levels!
Recently, the Academy have introduced a training programme for effective use of SMART products in the classroom. The Smart Interactive Whiteboard is a powerful demonstration tool for the classroom and it fully maximizes the educational potential of Gaia 3D.

interactive whiteboards makes the classrooms really come alive. Before reading war poetry in a Year 9 English lesson, for instance, students were given a taste of the horrors of war and life in the trenches by taking a three-dimensional tour”
To read more about the use of Gaia 3D on Smart Whiteboards click here.